Take The Value Challenge Today and Transform your Sales Success

Join the Value Challenge System today and transform the way you sell.  Your customers will thank you for it!

Take On The Value Challenge

The challenge that many businesses face is matching the value that you, as an organisation hold, with the value that your customers want you to deliver. Although it sounds unlikely, it is possible to create that balance.

Selling yourself short will only result in customers who will always pick cheaper alternatives, regardless of the company. As business owners, it is important that you can differentiate between your solution and the answer to the customer’s key question – why should I choose you?

If you wish to move away from “discount-default” selling, reduce the risks of commoditization and build your margins and profitability, then it’s time you joined The Value Challenge System.


Are You Ready For The Value Challenge System?

Do you feel like your business can provide immense value to your customers, yet they look elsewhere for alternatives? Are you happy that you truly understand your customers and their value aspirations?  Do you understand the challenges and issues they face and the impact of not addressing them on their business? The Value Challenge System provides the crucial answer to these questions.

The Value Challenge System is a program designed to transform the way people sell, navigating them from a product to a customer focus, from discounting to win to winning by understanding, creating and delivering outstanding customer value and becoming more profitable in the process!

Over 14 modules, The Value Challenge System will set you on your way to providing the right kind of value to your customers while sustaining your own. Within each module there is a video, a transcript (the book of the film) an audio and a workbook containing suggested exercises and action plans to enrich your learning.

Take On The Value Challenge

The Value Challenge System is perfect for those who want to:

  • Improve the effectiveness of their sales processes.
  • Recognise the value of investing in themselves and/or their team.
  • Increase the conversion rate of their sales team.
  • Grow their business and become more profitable.
  • Stop “discounting to win!”
  • Develop a customer first rather than a product-first approach to the customer conversation.

Register for The Value Challenge System today and join the many companies who have transformed their sales with our value-based approach!

Take On The Value Challenge

Discover Our Books

Learn More About Our Books

Value-Based Pricing

Drive Sales and Boost Your Bottom Line by Creating, Communicating and Capturing Customer Value

Purchase on Amazon

The Challenge Of Value

How to drive up the value of your products and services and make a lot more profit

Purchase on Amazon

Seven Challenges Of Value

Discover the secrets of customer value, build your revenue, improve your margin and enjoy a lot more profit

Purchase on Amazon

What Our Clients Say?

Create Outstanding Customer Value
and Become More Profitable!

Book a FREE meeting today and see how your business can benefit from the power of value!

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